Friday, May 26, 2023

About Me: K Dheemonth

 My name is K Dheemonth, and I am from India. Currently, I am pursuing a B.E in Computer Science and Engineering at R.V. College of Engineering. When I find myself leisure, I have fun in travelling to places nearby or go for a walk and watch some anime and thrillers. I keep myself updated on anything related to Cricket and any other sports.

My Education Background  

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering, R.V College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India , 2020-Present.

My Technical Skills

Python, C, Java, SQL, Javascript, HTML, CSS, MATLAB

My Work Experience 

Samsung PRISM Mentee, Samsun R&D Institute India, January 2023-Present. 

  • Travel Capsule Development using Bixby Studio

  • To design and develop capsule for Train and Flight Enquiry in Bixby Studio.

  • Based on Natural Language Processing and JavaScript

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WEEK 11: Day 1: I started the week by removing the attributes, that was done the previous week and adding values like positive, negative and...