Sunday, July 9, 2023


 WEEK 7:

Day 1&2: I started the week by making a list of sarcasm statements that are generally used for the tweets regarding the team. The list would need to be updated regularly as the views of the individuals vary from time to time, but we are focused at the particular point of time.

    The above dictionary image represents the emoji dictionary that was built 

    The above image shows the player sentiment that was mapped along with the emoji rather than the rule used in the previous week.

Day 3: On meeting with the mentor, during the start of the week and taking his inputs, I continued completing the emoji dictionary as the emoji functionality in NLP++ has been updated, which would be of great help for my continuation of the work. I continued my week by removing the unnecessary tweets by creating general rules for it.

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WEEK 11: Day 1: I started the week by removing the attributes, that was done the previous week and adding values like positive, negative and...